PMAT Deloraine Community Meeting to Scrap Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) and Maintain Planning Appeal Rights – Everyone Welcome
Event information:
The Tasmanian Liberal Government want to remove planning appeal rights and replace local councils with a “developer-friendly” assessment and approval process (DAPs), on private and public land, including our World Heritage Areas and National Parks.
It is critical for transparency, democracy and good planning that checks and balances are in place, ensuring property developers and decision makers are kept to account. DAPs and removal of appeal rights put these at risk and take local councillors, voters, ratepayers and communities out of planning.
The Government has released a draft DAP Bill with public comment closing 24 April 2025.
Event speakers:
MC: Sophie Underwood – State Director, PMAT
Alice Hardinge – Tasmanian Campaign Manager, The Wilderness Society
Greg French – President, Fishers and Walkers Tasmania
Tabatha Badger – Greens Member for Lyons
Anne-Marie Loader – Councillor, Meander Valley Council
Event contact:
Sophie Underwood