In the centre of Deloraine, lies a unique gem of a store known as Purple Thistle. At the helm of this vibrant establishment is Gayle Pollock, a designer whose passion for creativity and community is evident in every corner of her shop.
Gayle’s journey into the world of fashion was serendipitous. With a background in homewares and furniture design, she initially intended to bring her furniture creations to Deloraine. However, discovering that the market was already catered to, she pivoted towards ladies’ clothing, launching Purple Thistle. “It was a chance thing,” Gayle recalls. “I wanted to create my own designs in furniture, but there was someone else doing that. I looked around and decided to stock colourful clothing for ladies, something unique to the area.”
The name Purple Thistle is well known as Scotland’s national emblem, as well as for originality and vibrancy, much like Gayle’s own label Gaylibug Designs. Her approach to design is intuitive and organic. “I don’t like to follow patterns; it’s really designs that are right in my head,” she explains. This creative freedom allows her to craft one-of-a-kind pieces that resonate with her customers. “It’s exciting to see someone trying on my design and taking it home. It’s lovely.”
Gayle’s preference for natural fibres is evident in her choice of materials. Denim, corduroy, cotton poplin, and rayon, a sustainable fibre derived from tree pulp, are staples in her creations. She sources these vibrant fabrics from various parts of Australia and beyond, ensuring that her collections are as diverse as they are colourful. “I tend to get quite colourful, unusual fabrics further afield. There’s not really much choice in Tasmania,” she says. This quest for unique textiles recently took her to Melbourne and Western Australia, enriching her offerings.
Over the past five years, Purple Thistle has grown from a small boutique featuring a single designer from Hobart to a dynamic shop showcasing a variety of Australian and international designers. Alongside her own Gaylibug Designs, Gayle stocks pieces from Melbourne-based labels as well as Italian linens. The store also offers distinctive accessories, including Bashiri baskets from Africa and locally made rainkoats.
Despite the initial foray into online sales through Shopify, Gayle found her true success through community engagement and social media. “I rely on Facebook, Instagram, and word of mouth,” she says. The ever-changing window displays of Purple Thistle are a local attraction, drawing comments and inquiries from passersby. “People look forward to the change of colours and what’s happening in my window.”
Gayle’s love for Deloraine is palpable. Moving from nearby Westbury, she found herself drawn to the town’s vibrant community spirit. “Deloraine is amazing because you can be very involved in the community if you want to. And be involved in the hustle and bustle of what’s going on in town. Or you can go home and leave it for days, weeks, or whatever. That’s the beauty of it.”
With a background in interior design, Gayle’s creative pursuits extend beyond her shop. Her home is a canvas for ongoing projects, from wallpapering to installing a new fireplace. “I’m probably a frustrated interior designer,” she laughs. “I’ve always got something on the go.”
As Purple Thistle continues to flourish, Gayle’s passion for design and her connection to the community ensure that her store remains a beloved fixture in Deloraine. Whether you’re a local or just passing through, a visit to Purple Thistle promises a splash of colour and a warm welcome from Gayle Pollock herself.