The strong winds and heavy rainfalls over the 2024 winter period served to demonstrate the value of the Wildwood as a natural flood filter. During the winter flooding of most low-lying areas bordering the Meander River, significant amounts of silt were deposited within the Wildwood itself as floodwaters were slowed by flowing around and through the naturally forested area, helping to reduce the amount of water and silt damage downstream.
Such concepts of natural water flow management, aiming to slow down flow rates, reduce erosion, and improve the health of the surrounding land, are now being purposely enhanced within the Wildwood, hoping to contribute to the area’s overall resilience against flooding.
Fierce winter winds did, however, bring down approximately twenty trees, blocking access ways and creating a public danger that saw the Wildwood closed while Meander Valley council contractors removed these and other trees likely to fall through being rendered unstable. Damage to newly planted seedlings was far less than expected, and some deterioration of the access tracks was readily rectified.
Employees of the Deloraine branch of the Bendigo Bank generously sponsored a BBQ for the Wildwood volunteers, followed by a tour of the Wildwood which showcased the enormous amount of work that has been put into the restoration project to date. A Platypus talk and lunch was held at the Empire Hotel with Anne Giles, and a Wildwood tour with Deloraine Rotary members was also recently held.
The Wildwood Committee have selected two designs for a unique Wildwood logo that are currently undergoing further refinement, and a re-vegetation funding application to Landcare Tasmania has been made. The Landcare Wildwood Facebook site has now been set up for broader community engagement.
The Wildwood is currently vibrant with springtime activity, showing strong community spirit and commitment to enhancing the area for all to enjoy. To become involved, contact Wildwood Landcare Committee’s President, Peter Hansen, 0419 025 792, or email